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Transform the world with your Presence @ The London Leaders Circle

Amina Aitsi-Selmi

It’s 40 years since my first school report stated that I was ‘assertive’.

‘Assertive’ 4-year-old me.

In my career, people have described me as ‘intense’, ‘confident’ and ‘outspoken’. When I was 26, a chief of medicine called me ‘arrogant’. I was mortified. Why would advocating for fairness mean I’m arrogant?…It took me years to understand that speaking my mind might not please everyone.

The System: Just do your job and smile. Me: OK…

Nevertheless, with exposure to organisational politics, I got better at picking my battles and being more strategic about when to challenge and when to wait.

Working on Global Health policy with the United Nations and leading collaborations across countries, disciplines and organisations refined my influencing skills - with the help of very experienced bosses who taught me their secrets in the art of influence and diplomacy.

Here are 7 things I learned about influence and still use when it matters (which is every day):

1) Know where the line is. Cross it if you’re prepared for the consequences.

2) If you have to choose between safety and integrity, choose integrity.

3) Don't take no for an answer.

4) Don't hide. Claim your seat at the table and use it to serve the vision and help others.

5) Show your work (and know your stuff). Write, document, communicate.

6) Have conversations.

7) Be generous and have fun.

The one thing I had to learn outside my organisational career is the power of Presence. The only way I understood how to embody it was by practising meditation.

Presence is not about doing more or specific actions. It’s about doing less and sensing deeply. It’s about showing up and being totally here – whether you’re speaking, presenting, hiring or confronting someone.

With hindsight, my most successful moments of influence came from being Present and therefore open to inspiration.

Today, Presence is one of the top reasons powerful people choose me as their coach. They know I will listen deeply to them and model Presence so they can embody it with their teams. This creates the REP (Ripple Effect of Presence).

Meditation retreat at Gaia House, Devon, UK

Through Presence, magic can unfold in any conversation. And you can influence through its power if you learn to trust it fully. In a group, the impact of Presence is even more profound.

Join me in London on June 3rd for an in-person coaching intensive on Leading from Presence: Amplify Your Influence Without Manipulation. During this special, 2-hour Leaders Circle you’ll get to:

1) Explore what Presence feels like to you and how to sustain it in everyday life and challenging interactions.

2) Identify and work on your own blocks to influence (and the 3 core fears that hold us back including fear of visibility).

3) Practise speaking powerfully from Presence (rather than the need to perform).

You’ll get to connect with a group of professionals and leaders on their own journeys of liberation towards more vision-driven impact and influence.

Who'll be there? Among those who’ve already registered is a Physician Scientist working on cancer immunology; a Vice President in Global Publishing who’s just successfully launched her own business Leadership Programme supporting diverse women; a Banker turned scholar completing her PhD in Organisational Psychology focused on finance; and a Psychiatrist transforming Mental Health care through her new clinic venture.


Fun during a Leaders Circle photo at Harley Street. Doctors laugh sometimes.

This is a friendly and powerful transformation space where you’ll feel both supported and challenged to go beyond your perceived limitations in a compassionate way.

Or as Dr. Nav put it: “There was a special kind of magic in the room.”

The venue is in the heart of the leafy village of Hampstead, a few minutes away from the natural beauty of the iconic Hampstead Heath, if you want to go for a reflective walk afterwards.

(Pay what feels right to you with a sliding scale ticket price. If you’re unsure, choose the middle option.)

See you there!


p.s. Don’t wait to see how you feel closer to the time. If you resonate with the Leaders Circle, book your space now >>

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