There’s purpose with a big P and little p.
Big P purpose? You’re here as a unique expression of conscious life. No one knows, how it happened or where it came from. But here we are.
Little p purpose? You’re unique. Once you’re gone, your unique set of notes will never be played again in the great symphony of life in this universe!
High achievers and game changers are more prone to wanting to know their purpose. That’s an advantage and a disadvantage. But let’s go along with it.
If you’re in an exploration about your purpose and feeling stuck, try this process:
Step 1: What brings you sadness and anger in yoru life/the world? What brings you hope and joy? Write it down or picture it.
Step 2: What do you really want right now? What must you do before you die? Write it down or picture it.
Step 3: What are the pros and cons of putting time and energy into the above? Write 2 columns.
Step 4: Now let it all go.
Step 5: Go for a walk, listen to music, garden, or meditiate. Let your mind relax.
Step 6: Repeat until one day you it’s so obvious you start laughing and crying at the same time. You might even realise you’ve been living your purpose all along but you never saw it quite saw clearly.
Little secret:
The point of pros and cons lists or of tuning into what you’re passionate/angry about, isn’t to motivate you to pursue that goal, but to detach from it. Why? Because when you’re at the right distance (not too close, not too far) from the vision of your life and career that lives in you, your state of mind is clear (not agitated, or stressed). From there, your purpose is easier to see.
I’ve lost count of the number of times these past 8 years of coaching where someone starts their journey feeling they want to leave their current role only to let go of the emotions, beliefs and habits they’ve constructed around their job and realise that it’s not about the job but about the vision that lives in them. The job simply serves their bigger vision and that is what the job is really for in the grand scheme of things.
Legends: Breaking out of an old identity, frees you to move through a career transition in your own way. A broke out of the ‘outsider identity’ resolved ongoing misundersandings with her CEO and was given a promotion and her own programme. S broke free from the ‘rushing woman role’, resigned from a global think tank and has been running her own consultancy from the countryside for the past 5 years. B let go of the ‘betrayed soldier’ and is reclaiming his capacity for impact globally and as a culture maker within his organisation, shaping opportunities for funding towards more justice.
It’s not my job to tell you how your story ends. My job is to help you remember why you’re here and guide you to break free of identity constructs that hold you back, so you can create a new career and life path one transformational step at a time.
Have a great week,
Ready to transform your career and get help to go deeper and probably faster?
New event: Join us online for the next RSA Coaching Network transformational conversation. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by growing polarisation, global conflict, climate change and other ‘hyperobjects’ we have to deal with on a daily basis as well as living and working, we’ll be exploring how to break out of overwhelm, prioritise, and focus on the right things in a fast changing world. Free registration here >>