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My happiest accomplishment this year [Wise Wednesdays]

Amina Aitsi-Selmi

My happiest accomplishment this year [#wisewednesdays]

Even in hard times, there are so many things that we accomplish and can be grateful for.

My proudest achievement this year: getting my 70+ year old parents to Body Pump and love it.

It’s translated into healthy weight loss, lower blood pressure and strong energy.

This means my father’s wish of not needing to take medication has come true;

and my mother's back pains have all but disappeared.

Plus, it frees up the local GP and creates business for the community gym!

Someone asked me: how did it work?

Well, it’s partly for my parents to tell their story (perhaps they’ll agree to do a Wise Wednesdays video?!...)

From my perspective, my contribution was the same thing I always offer.

It comes down to the heart of what I always talk about:

Breaking through the trap of limiting beliefs that hold us back from our true potential.

These (far too common) beliefs include:

“I’m too old (or too young)”

“I can’t do THAT”

“It’s too late/too soon”

“It’s just not who I am…”

The biggest is probably: ‘It won’t work for ME”.

But you can’t spend too much time with me without your limiting beliefs being pulverised!

[Photo: Yorkshire. Your mind is a clear blue sky. The clouds are the limiting beliefs that block the sun.]

You are more powerful than your thoughts.

What limiting belief is it time to let go of before 2023?

Have a great week,


p.s. The Leaders Circle registrations are closing at noon UK. Be the first to find out about the next one by joining the Wise Wednesdays list link in bio.

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