So you’re thinking of dusting off your CV and looking to new horizons? Or just keeping your options open?
I seem to have had a few conversations this month around CVs (or Résumés depending on where you live). Perhaps it’s a season of career renewal? Exciting!
However, in an age where chatgpt can give you feedback and suggested rewrites on your CV in seconds, you need a bit more to get traction.
Below is a simple framework I call the 4 Cs, to help you catalyse your Career (and Leadership) Transformation. It’s inspired from personal and professional experience as well as learning from others who’ve taken a big career leap like Paul Millerd of the Pathless Path.
These 4Cs of Career Transformation will help you get out of the confines of your mind and step into the bigger, wider marketplace where real change can happen.
This includes informational interviews, formal interviews and random chats that serve your long-term vision. No dream role was ever created outside a conversation.
Time to get to those interesting events and conferences you never had time for. Create your own support team in the form of a Career Reinvention Board, as author Pamela Mitchell calls them.
Take time to pull together the Career Assets which convey your experience, skills and vision. It includes your CV but also your Body of Work (what you’ve written and can share in person or online). For example, a client has just written an award-winning health strategy report that she’s been invited to present nationally. This is a great source of conversations and therefore opportunities. Content also includes Highlight Stories that answer questions like “What do you do?” or “What makes you different?” in an impactful way.
Get creative in how to get meetings and interviews and find yourself in interesting places. One very creative client found herself face-to-face with the London Mayor and took the opportunity to tell him about her inclusive, mental wellbeing clinic (hello Strategic Advisory opportunity). Creativity is linked to mindset because you cannot create from a Victim Mindset.
You could add more Cs like Courage (the foundation of Confidence) and Connection.
But notice that the 4Cs do not include Comfort.
The Career Transformation process is exciting and life-changing. But it is not comfortable. By definition, a Career Transformation means that you are stepping outside your comfort zone.
“But Amina, what about my fear of visibility, rejection and failure?”
Well, as my coach put it back in the day: YES lives in the land of NO.
The worst that can happen is that your dream comes true.
Have a great week,
p.s. If you’re ready to explore new horizons this season, here are a few ways forward:
1) Self-Coach: Amplify your influence with simple exercises from the Leaders Circle [Download PDF]
2) Read: Get the free chapter from The Success Trap book if you haven’t already.
3) Group learning: Join the RSA Speedcoaching session (Meet new people and sharpen your coaching skills as a leader or coach). Free registration here >>
4) 1:1 coaching: Find out more about working together. Book an Exploratory Coaching Conversation to kickstart your summer >>