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Amina Aitsi-Selmi
Feb 1, 20223 min read
Stop planning. Start making decisions. [Letting go of perfectionism]
“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans” - John Lennon. How many times have you had a brilliant idea,...

Amina Aitsi-Selmi
Feb 1, 20223 min read
Time to write a book? Facilitating the creative process.
Whether you’re thinking of writing a book, creating a new recipe or radically overhauling your career, life or leadership style, the...

Amina Aitsi-Selmi
Feb 1, 20223 min read
Have you ever felt elated after an intense physical workout? Today, I had tears in my eyes after a Warrior workout at my gym. I signed...

Amina Aitsi-Selmi
Feb 1, 20224 min read
Lessons from binge watching Dietland and a PhD on obesity: the dangers of making it happen
On the path of change and personal transformation, it can be hard to find balance: should you push or should you wait? Developing your...

Amina Aitsi-Selmi
Feb 1, 20225 min read
When you don’t feel inspired to do anything: Sisyphus, FOMO and the great unknown.
It’s a medium one. Do you feel guilty or anxious when you’re not doing anything? Do you worry you’re wasting time or not making the most...

Amina Aitsi-Selmi
Feb 1, 20224 min read
Why I don't have fixed goals and the alternative
It's WISE WEDNESDAYS! “I’m so glad you’re not getting me to do that goal-setting stuff.” I hear this in exploratory coaching...

Amina Aitsi-Selmi
Feb 1, 20224 min read
The 3 Foundations to achieve any goal
If you missed the Take a Leap webinar I did with Bryce Kennedy and are in the midst of or thinking of career change, you might find some...

Amina Aitsi-Selmi
Feb 1, 20223 min read
What you can learn from a mantra about habits, performance and power
May this early 2018 bring you a deepening experience of the joy of life (and less stress)! If you’re unclear on your path forward for...

Amina Aitsi-Selmi
Feb 1, 20227 min read
Why succeeding at my goals was a trap and 7 questions for true success in 2018
I hope you're enjoying the holiday season. It’s almost time to start your New Year’s resolutions! Hurrah! I’m sure you’ve reviewed your...

Amina Aitsi-Selmi
Feb 1, 20225 min read
Fear-setting vs goal setting: getting past "I don't know what I want" stuckness
Have you ever been asked about your five year vision and thought: “I have no idea”? Do you find yourself gazing at others and thinking:...

Amina Aitsi-Selmi
Feb 1, 20224 min read
My clients hate me
Have you ever thought of how change happens in your life? Have you noticed how it can be painful sometimes, especially if the goal is...

Amina Aitsi-Selmi
Feb 1, 20224 min read
This is nonsense (on increasing your motivation)
This week we witnessed profound ignorance, bigotry and racism in Charlottesville, US. Cycles of violence and hatred are part of our human...

Amina Aitsi-Selmi
Feb 1, 20225 min read
Three things I learned about solving dilemmas
It’s Soulful Sundays! Replacing this week's Wise Wednesdays which was delayed as I had to focus on the launch of the Royal Society of...

Amina Aitsi-Selmi
Feb 1, 20224 min read
Want to improve your time management? Forget it and do this instead.
Long to do list and not enough time? Too many competing priorities? If you’re reading this, you’re probably familiar with the basics of...

Amina Aitsi-Selmi
Feb 1, 20223 min read
When would NOW be a good time? Breaking through procrastination
Ever thought ‘I don’t know why I procrastinated so long and didn’t do this sooner!”? You may be lost in psychological time. Most of us...
Amina Aitsi-Selmi
Feb 1, 20222 min read
Bold inaction: the faster route to your dreams?
We often talk about what we are prepared to do to make things happen or make a dream come true. We don’t often ask: what are we prepared...

Amina Aitsi-Selmi
Feb 1, 20223 min read
Overcoming procrastination using 3 powerful questions
Procrastination: Why do today what I can do tomorrow?... Good question! Watch the video or read on... We all procrastinate, but 20% of us...

Amina Aitsi-Selmi
Feb 1, 20222 min read
Goal-setting fatigue: 3 strategies
As a reminder, the intention for Wise Wednesdays is to share any pearls of wisdom I come across on my personal journey in the hope that...
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