Now, what do a politician, activist and transformational coach have in common?...
…Not their height.

Photo: Serendipitous encounter with Ed Miliband (MP and author of Go Big)
and Jon Alexander (Founder and author of Citizens) at the RSA Fellows Festival. It’s a fun but flawed question! While similarities create a sense of psychological safety, it’s our differences that provide rich terrain for perspective-taking and fresh thinking. As a society, we spend too much time seeking comfort in commonalities and demonising differences – hence a mounting crisis of polarisation. You can let go of trying to find commonalities and celebrate the differences (although from a universal perspective we are more similar than we are different). It’s in the actual *differences* that the magic can happen. Coaching tool: Actively Seek Difference – especially what triggers you - and use it to fertilise creative problem-solving and enrich your own development. Have a great week, Amina p.s. Are you interested in understanding power dynamics and their role in your work? If you're interested in power and politics in relationship to coaching (as a coach, leader or coachee), please join us on the 7th of June for an online interactive discussion at the Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. It’s part of our ongoing series of coaching conversations on 21st century challenges where you get to think, connect and explore. You can find out more and sign up here >>
p.p.s Happy Six Year Wise Wednesdays Anniversary. Thank you for being part of Wise Wednesdays.