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Power, love and change [WISE WEDNESDAYS]

Amina Aitsi-Selmi

It’s easy to see power and love as antithetical to each other. You might have an instinctive reaction to one or the other word.

[Read on or try this 1 min video]

Power has often been abused in human history escalating into oppression; while love can become placid and weak in relationships devolving into people-pleasing subordination. Great leaders are aware of these pitfalls. “Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.”- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Today, I think of power as the ability to self-define and act; and love as the capacity to be with whatever is here. PRACTISE FIERCE LOVE / COMPASSIONATE PERSISTENCE Like MLK (Martin Luther King), I also believe that they go together at their best. Perhaps as something called fierce love or compassionate persistence. Their combination has the ability to free us from fear, anxiety and limiting narratives so that we can move in the direction of our inspiration and vision. When I coach people to break free of old expectations and follow the path they truly want, both come into play. The balance is unique for each person at different moments of the journey. It’s coming up to six years next month since my own career leap and making a full-time living as a Transformational Coach. I’ve learned to find my own balance with this myself. When we’re in fear and anxiety, we try to look for definite, clear, black and white answers. However, the flow of life cannot be boxed or controlled. We flourish when we attune to the flow leaning into more power or more love as needed. Check in: do you need a little more love or a little more power this week? Give yourself permission to embrace what you want and trust that your life is flowing perfectly. Have a great week, Amina p.s. Thank you to everyone who answered last week’s survey. Your participation and input mean a lot. So far, the themes that I’ll include more of based on your responses are: 1) Optimising the use of personal energy and caring for mental wellbeing; 2) Addressing perfectionism to reduce criticism of self and others/team members; 3) Navigating uncertainty in creating a more sovereign or independent way of working and living. I’m always happy to hear about what comes up for you as you read Wise Wednesdays and what you’re up to in the world. p.p.s The recipient of the Mindset Reboot coaching session has been selected and contacted. Congratulations!



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