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A time to let go [Wise Wednesdays]

Amina Aitsi-Selmi

It was spring/summer 2014 when I found myself in tears on a park bench outside the building where I worked.

I think it was the first time I’d cried at work. The pressure was mounting. I’d spent almost two decades building a career that loved. But I felt the path was petering out underneath my feet. The next step wasn’t clear.

Why was it so hard? I just wanted to do something useful. I had jumped through a lot of hoops, too. But the goalposts kept moving.

That’s when it dawned on me: the goalposts would never stop moving. It’s just how the game worked.

And that’s when I realised it was time to let go. The need for safety, certainty, validation, certification. None of it could help me now.

It was time to surrender to the unknown. And the rest is history.

If you’re going through something similar, know that the spot you find yourself in is perfect. The universe has designed it just for you. You can take a deep breath and relax into the not knowing.

The answers will come sooner than you think.

Wishing you a vibrantly peaceful season,


p.s. Wise Wednesday will be taking a little break.

1) The next Leaders Circle is on January 16th. Sign up to receive the registration link in advance here:

· 2) If you’d like to join the Leaders Circle this Saturday afternoon find out more and get your ticket here:

· 3) If you feel it’s time for a new career in 2020, email me on for a conversation.

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